Name:   FELLOWSHIP of the Motor Industry.

Objectives:  The Fellowship of the Motor Industry allows members to participate in interesting and enjoyable events and activities, which they might otherwise be unable to attend. It allows them to enjoy the benefits of the camaraderie and support of fellow members for a minimal annual outlay.

Qualification:  A prospective Fellowship member ideally should have held a responsible position in the automotive industry for a reasonable length of time and be keen to interact with like-minded industry colleagues at associated events and locations.

The FELLOWSHIP supports various industry activities including BEN-Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund.  The FELLOWSHIP encourages members and their families turn to BEN in time of hardship or need.

Applications and subscriptions:  New applicants must be proposed by a Fellow who can confirm their eligibility for membership.   All members pay a joining fee and a subscription, which is paid by standing order on 1st January of the following year. Current details of subscriptions can be found on the application form.

FELLOWSHIP Committee: The committee shall consist of up to 12 members plus the President, Chair, Vice-Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.  The committee shall have power to co-opt any additional member(s) whom they may need for special services from time to time.  Each member shall stand for re-election at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).  At committee meetings four shall form a quorum.  Any member shall be eligible for election subject to being proposed and seconded in writing by two Fellows and sent to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM.  The committee may vary this at its discretion.  The Chair will have the casting vote.

Officers:  There shall be a President who shall be elected at the committee meeting prior to the AGM.  The committee shall also elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer at their first meeting in each year.

Annual General Meeting:  To be held in each year within fifteen months of the last AGM at a convenient location. Currently the AGM is held at the British Motor Museum in Gaydon every April to coincide with the Annual Midlands Luncheon.

General:   These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by Resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting providing that there be a two-thirds majority of those attending in favour.  In the event of a Resolution for the winding up of the Fellowship being so passed, the committee shall, after the discharge of any outstanding liabilities, disburse any remaining assets to BEN-Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund or any other charitable cause they may decide.



  1. Any Fellow desirous of moving any resolution at the AGM must give notice thereof in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than seven days before the date of such meeting.
  2. The committee may at any time, for any special purposes, call a Special General Meeting (SGM) and they shall do so forthwith upon the request in writing of any 20 Fellows stating the purposes for which the meeting is required.
  3. 10 days before the AGM or an SGM a notice of the meeting shall be sent to every Fellow. In the case of an SGM the business to be transacted will be included with the notice and no business, other than that of which notice has been given shall be brought forward.
  4. The financial year of the Fellowship shall end on the 31st December in each year to which day the accounts of the Fellowship shall be balanced.  The accounts shall, as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year, be reviewed by a member of the committee who is suitably qualified, or has practical experience.
  5. The Statements of Account of the Fellowship for the preceding year shall be laid before each AGM.
  6. At the Annual General Meetings of the Fellowship the President and in his absence, the Chairman and in his absence a Fellow selected by the committee, shall take the Chair.   Every Fellow present shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
  7. The committee shall be empowered to make regulations for enabling Fellows unable to be present to vote by proxy, or in writing. Voting by proxy or in writing, however, shall not be applicable to the election of Fellows to the committee.
  8. In the case of a SGM, summoned under bye-law 2 hereof for the purpose of confirming a resolution to dissolve the Fellowship, Fellows shall be entitled to vote by proxy and forms of proxy, in the form settled by the committee, shall be sent out with the notice convening such a Special General Meeting.
  9. A quorum at all General Meetings shall be 10 for any purpose.
  10. The committee may, from time to time, repeal and amend all such bye-laws and regulations as they may think expedient, for the management and well-being of the Fellowship.The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations made thereunder.  The decision of the committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Fellowship, not provided for by the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations made thereunder, shall be final and binding on the Fellows.