Annual Golf Day – Woking Golf Club
May 13
£185.00Once again, we are delighted to join the MTGS at one of their own golf days on Tuesday 13th May allowing the Fellowship to organise its own members competition on the day and to enjoy meeting up with our many friends from the MTGS.
Woking Golf Club is a splendid venue, providing a wonderful golf course with a historic clubhouse where we will meet up for refreshments before the game and enjoy a wonderful post-match lunch.
Fellows should book on this website at a cost of £185, and please do so as soon as possible as from 1st January so that our committee member Ray Sommerville can get a good idea of numbers asap. Fellows that are also members of the MTGS only pay £10, please make this payment direct to our bank account, using a reference of your surname.Woking. Bank details – Fellowship of the Motor Industry, Sort Code 20-89-16 Account Number 50351644
Ray will provide joining instructions in due course.